Warriors - SSLKL Div.One League Champion # SSLKL Shield Champion
Statement 2009/2010 will be announce soon....

Tuesday, May 31, 2011






Direct tranlation:
Can you really believe 'Happy Football'?
Mr Wanjian's prose - "pick the best apple to eat" did mention about China's coach Millu intruoduced 'happy football'  to China. It focus more on the process rather than just result. But do you think it can apply during play time?

Last night's Champion League final, Barcelona short passing play was really impress. Manchester manage to control the game about 10 minute or more. After that it was all control by Barcelona team. we can see from TV screen, it did show that Mr. Furgeson can't hide his nervousness, I guess Mr Millu's 'happy football' cannot apply to him at that time.

This season SSLKL Div.One Warriors lead the pack from the beginning of the season and now with six points lead compare to 2nd place and with 2 games left to play, if last weekend we lost to the 2nd place, they might have chance to catch up. While we were 1 goal down, I was so nervous, it prove that 'happy football' cannot apply on me as well. Luckily we manage to score a goal at 7 minute left. Only then i know what 'happy football' means? just because we are Div.One Champion now.