Warriors - SSLKL Div.One League Champion # SSLKL Shield Champion
Statement 2009/2010 will be announce soon....

Monday, March 30, 2009

Malaysia vs W. Germany (1972 Olympic)

Dulu selalu dengar bola sepak zaman 70 an, bagus, cantik & cermelang macam mana, dalam hati aku, itu cuma zaman dulu, sekarang lain, tapi selepas saya tenggok video yang papar dalam blog bawah ni, baru saya faham mengapa orang selalu compare zaman dulu dan kini.

Walaupun video ini adalah 'selection of' babak kecemerlangan dalam 4 minit setiap separuh masa, tapi adakah permainan kini boleh dapat cari mutu permainan yang begitu cemerlang dalam 2 atau 3 minit?

Hi Guys, if you do love Malaysia football, you must watch the bellow links:


But after you watch it, you will hate the Malaysia football today!

clik 'Must See' link diatas sebelah kanan -  Malaysia vs W.Germany

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Warriors 3-2 Conn FC (game report)

March 22 : Warriors 0-1 Club 9
Game will like to forgot, position tak cukup and kekurangan holding midfield yang mengakhibatkan Warriors main dengan taktik yang luar biasa, "pump and chase", cuaca yang begitu panas sekali juga satu faktor kehilangan t
enaga dengan cepat, tapi pihak lawan juga main dalam keadaan yang sama, kita patut kalah dalam game ini.
Nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada Helmi yang datang tenggok game kita dan ambil banyak gambar yang boleh dipamerkan pada masa akan datang. Terima Kasih sekali lagi, HELMI.

Game start with Utam at post and Dasilah and Josri as center back, full back was taken by Chong and Chan, Khairi, Fazurin, Lim and Nan play as midfielder, and off course Ringgo and Sadli lead our attack
ing force. Ramlee duduk kat luar sebab satu hukuman minggu lepas dia tidak mengaringkan gol yang dihantar oleh Chan, open gol tapi miss...lah.
Game start dengan pihak lawan ambil kesepatan semasa Warriors belum settle down, satu hantaran yang dihasil oleh jersey no.7 dari kanan mereka dapat ditanduk & jaringkan 

gol oleh striker mereka, 1-0 untuk dia orang.
Selepas tu game banyak dikuasai oleh Warriors, strategy yang kita 'apply' untuk jangan biarkan pemain tengah mereka, Pralom (bekas pemain Warriors) main bola, sentiasa ada orang ikut dia mengakhibatkan formasi mereka tidak dapat dipamerkan serupa game liga pertama mereka. (mereka menang 3-1 dlm game tu). Warriors banyak possession dan tendangan kencang yang disepak oleh Khairi diselamat oleh tiang gol mereka. Kemasukan Ustaz menlincahkan game kita dan akhirnya Ringgo yang berada di sebelah kiri dapat hantaran daripada tengah buat satu percubaan kat sudut gol kanan dapat menyamakan kedudukan, satu sama 1-1. 
Second half, start dengan Utam and Ramlee diatas dan Musanef and Chong kembali ketempat asal mereka, Nordin  Ustaz Lim Fazurin ditengah, and selepas 10 minute bermain kemasukkan Amir Ringgo and Sadli buatkan pihak lawan asik kejar and possession of the ball di control oleh Warriors, satu hand ball yang dilaku oleh petak penalty mereka mengakhibatkan satu tenangan penalty yang diambil oleh Nordin, Warriors kini leading 2-1. Pada minute ke 70, Sadli dapat curi bola daripada keeper mereka disebelah kanan dan hantar kepada Ringgo tapi percubaan dia diselamat oleh palang gol dan heading Nordin terlalu tinggi. "Jangan enjoy, baru 2-1" didengari diluar dan ingatkan player yang berlaku oleh Utam  tidak berkesan dan mereka dapat menyamakan kedudukan, 2-2

Pada 80min, seorang player tengah put Ringgo through and kali ini dia tidak mesia-siakan peluang dan kita dapat leading 3-2 sampai game tamat.
We have a good game today, most of the player main dengan bagus selain Ramlee sekali lagi sia-siakan peluang yang boleh buat gol, 2 minggu 2 peluang emas disia-siakan.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reds and Blues again

Liverpool and Chelsea have been paired up for the fifth successive season in the Champions League when the quarter-final draw was made in Nyon yesterday, Holders Manchester United drew Porto while Bayern Munich face favourites Barcelona, Arsenal, the fourth English club in the draw, take on Villareal.

QF1 - Villarreal CF vs Arsenal FC
QF2 - Manchester United vs FC Porto
QF3 - Liverpool FC vs Chelsea FC
QF4 - FC Barcelona vs Bayern Munchen

SF - winner of : QF1 vs QF2, QF3 vs QF4

Good luck Arsenal, jangan marah Utam, mungkin jupa team kamu, Liverpool kat FINAL.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Terminator Essien

Terry hails Ghana star as 'part-man, part-machine'

John Terry has hailed Michael Essien as Chelsea's Terminator

The Blues powerhouse midfielder scored his second goal in as many games to secure three points against Manchester City on Sunday.

Five days earlier, his goal against Juventus helped steer Guus Hiddink's side into the quarter-finals of the Champions League. And skipper Terry is not surprised - since he reckons Essien, 26, is part-man, part-machine!

It was only the Ghana star's third league start of the season and his first in six months following a seriouscruciaate ligament injury.

Terry said: "only Michael could do that. Only he could come back and after two games have score two goals and played as well as he has.

"After so long out you would think he'd need three or four games to find his feet - but he is an sbsolute machine.

"You see him working his socks off for five months in the gym and it pays dividends. He brilliant and it is great to have him back."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Warriors 2-2 MFFC (game report)

We are now in the second half of the league, this is our 9 league game and with five more games to go, every game was important to us as we are now situated at the six position. We should start winning game before it was too late. (7 & 8 placing will demoted to Division 2 next season).

It was too many injury of late and with the confirmation of the turn up today really give me an heart attack, with 9 confirmation by the time of 12.45pm, how are we going to win this game? So, with no choice to call up Chan Utam Ramlee (both injured and Ramlee mentally injuried i guess) to make up the number, appreciate at the end of the day Khidhir and Josry turn up despite work commitment and Jos still waiting for his wife to deliver their seventh child, also Sadli to turn up at second half. But Romzi and Zainol last minute fail to keep their promises to turn up was really disappointed.

The game started by 4-4-2 formation, with Amir as last men and Dasilah as stopper, left side as usual Musanef and right back Ismail (appreciate that he rush back from Jerantut at noon to contribute to the team) Khairi and Atan at middle of the park and Haji and Lim play at both side, Ramlee and Cheh play as twin striker.

Opponent settled down faster than us, they look dangerous especially the first 15 minute. An off side trap was not successful operated by Amir and co. result the 1 goal. Despite trailing by a goal, Warriors never give up to fight for every ball, it was lacking for the past few matches, we have same share of possession and 1 half result is Warriors 0-1 MFFC.

Second half kick off as Khidhir as last man with Josry still play as defensive midfielder and with the help of Amir at center in order to let Atan to play more attacking role, 3 minute pass and he really score our equalize goal. This goal gave us some advantage in term of spirit. Attach.. attach.. attach resulted our second goal scored by Atan again, now we are 2 up and a defensive foul give the opponent an free kick result their second goal. The final result - Warriors 2-2 MFFC 

Personally i felt that we are more like a team today with every position fill up. Amir as sweeper and Dasilah as stopper really effective and with Khidhir fill up Amir role at second half also make us look a bit thicker than previous few game than we always play without a fast last man, it really help with them around, Mail and Chan also have a good game. Khairy's service at the middle was also needed, try to turn up more often guy.

Overall whole team player was quit efficient as I read it, so keep it up guy.

Sesiapa yang boleh tulis and annalysis perlawanan, sila tolong over40futsaler tulis blog report, saya percaya dalam bergitu ramai cikgu-cikgu nie, mesti ada yang bagus dalam bidang ni, sila contact saya supaya semua boleh baca blog ni dengan lebih jelas, teliti and selesa.  Terima kasih.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Warriors - Astaka (game report)

Betul, kita kalah dalam game yang teruk ni, tak pernah sekali kalah kepada team Jepun ni, selain sekali dalam Shield semi final kalah tendang penalty berapa musim lepas.

It was 12 player turn up on the beginning of the game. Ketiadaan last man regular sangat dirasai dalam game ini, tambah teruk lagi bila satu-satunya pemain tengah yang boleh dipercayai hari ni - Fazurin dapat kecederaan 'Hamstring' selepas 15 minute.

Perlawanan bermula dengan cantik pada mula 15 minute, kita sepatut dapat 3 gols, malangnya orang kata bola ni bulat, kekurangan nasib dan..............

....disambung lagi (bos dah panggil)